Linggo, Marso 24, 2013

Natural Gray Hair - Treatment

Natural treatment & home remedies for grey hair.

Home Remedies for Grey Hair include lots of foods rich in iron, minerals and vitamin A and B. Green vegetables, yellow fruits, tomatoes, cereals, cauliflower, yogurt are rich sources of these nutrients. Drinking plenty of water and having proper diet rich in vitamins and zinc with plenty of fruits and vegetables help in delaying premature graying of hair.

1) Most beneficial treatment is use of Amla (Indian gooseberry) which is valuable hair tonic for enriching hair growth & hair pigmentation. Massaging the scalp with a teaspoon of amla juice mixed with almond oil is beneficial or Boil dried Amla in coconut oil till it turns black. Apply this oil on the scalp everyday. This is a very effective home remedy for turning grey hair into black.

2) The butter made from cow's milk has the property to prevent premature graying of hair. This can be massaged into the hair roots twice a week.

3) Daily morning intake of few black raisins with same amount of black pepper with hot milk is also beneficial for treating grey hair.

4) Foods rich in iodine like banana, carrots and fish should be included in the regular diet. Drinking butter milk with 2 teaspoons each of yeast and wheat germ is a great home remedy for grey hair. Protein rich foods such as sprouts of whole grains are also useful to fight greying of hair.

5) Massage regularly with almond oil to prevent greying of hair. Daily massage of the scalp with a mixture of coconut oil and lemon juice is a good home remedy for grey hair.

King Louis XIV, Biological Weapons

When King Louis XIV was offered biological weapons by an Italian chemist, he refused to buy it and paid the chemist an annual salary never to sell it to anyone else.

An Italian Chemist once came to Louis XIV with plans for the first bacteriological weapon which would give him the power to use an infectious biological agent to destroy entire towns without deploying a single army, buying a single gun, or even moving a single finger.

Louis XIV refused instantly, and never used it against any European country. He guaranteed the scientist the highest possible amount anyone would be willing to pay, to keep his deadly discovery a secret.

But like the very bacteria or fungi it employs, the news of biological warfare cannot be contained, and was eventually exposed and spread across the lands.

Source: OMGFacts

The Oldest Practising Doctor

According to the Guinness book of world records, the oldest practising doctor is Dr. Walter Watson, aka "Papa Doc", an obstetrician who was born in 1910 and was still practising at University Hospital in Augusta, Georgia, USA in May 2010 at the age of 100.


Henry Sy, Sr. (born December 25, 1924) is a Chinese Filipino businessman with interests in retailing, real estate, hospitality, banking, mining, education including healthcare services. He pioneered the establishment of SM Malls, anchored by Shoemart Department Store and Supermarket earning him the title; the Philippines’ Retail King. He is the chairman of SM Prime Holdings, Inc., the holding corporation for all his business interests in his vast business empire. In 2011, Forbes Magazine listed him as the no. 1 billionaire in the Philippines.

Have you ever wondered why there is no Mercury Drug in SM Malls here in Philippines? well… here’s the story…
Mr. Sy was a very ambitious man. He wanted to get rich more than 2 decades ago. He tried many businesses to get enough income but failed. After trying so hard to make both ends meet; he finally have earned enough money to start a small business.

Something crossed to his mind. He will build a small shoe store. He thought how could he get some customers.

An idea popped out.

He noticed that Mercury Drug, which is big drug store and been to the business for many years, has many loyal customers coming to them. He approached the owner and asked if he can rent and place his small shoe store there even with a very small portion. He was not allowed and got embarrassed even though he asked politely.
Mr. Sy then promised to himself that Mercury Drug will never step in his life when he gets rich. So in 1958, Mr. Sy established his shoe store in Quiapo, Manila, which became SM Quiapo, the first SM Mall, in November 1972.

Now, Mr. Sy is the richest man in the Philippines because of his own will and determination, gaining $5 billion in 2010, amid the global financial crisis. He is also the owner of Chinabank and operator of BDO. Aside from his numerous malls, supermalls and supermarkets in the Philippines, he also owns 6 SM Malls in Mainland China, and 1 SM Mall in Guam.

Now he never lets a single Mercury Drug do business in any of his SM malls. Instead he franchised Watson’s from Hong Kong which became the substitute for Mercury Drug.

*** Another Story: The real story was, Mr. Sy and the owner of Mercury Drug is good friends, Sy was a 'sapatero' in front of the Mercury Drug store (he actually got permission from the owner to do that there). Then one day, Mr. Sy's mother got sick and since they were poor and got no money to pay for the hospital bills, he tried asking the owner of mercury drug, to lend him some money. But the mercury drug owner refused to lend him so his mother died. Ever since that day, Mr. Sy swore to himself that once he got rich, he'll never allow such selfish company be related to him. That's why he there's no Mercury Drug in SM